Rural Architecture

Being a Complete Description of Farm Houses, Cottages, and Out Buildings

Lewis Falley Allen

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Beschreibung zu „Rural Architecture“

In Lewis Falley Allen's 'Rural Architecture,' readers are presented with a thorough examination of the architectural styles and structures found in rural areas. The book delves into the practical and aesthetic considerations that shape rural architecture, providing insights into the materials, techniques, and design principles that define these structures. Written in a clear and accessible style, 'Rural Architecture' offers a comprehensive look at the buildings that dot the countryside, from farmhouses to barns to outbuildings. Allen's attention to detail and his appreciation for the unique characteristics of rural architecture make this book an invaluable resource for architects, historians, and anyone interested in the built environment. The book is a prime example of early 20th-century architectural literature, reflecting a growing interest in vernacular architecture and the importance of preserving rural heritage. Lewis Falley Allen, a renowned architect and author, brings his expertise and passion for rural architecture to the forefront in this seminal work. His extensive knowledge and commitment to celebrating the beauty and practicality of rural buildings shine through in every page. For readers looking to deepen their understanding of architectural history and explore the intricacies of rural design, 'Rural Architecture' is a must-read.


Good Press




ca. 247





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