Pax mundi

A concise account of the progress of the movement for peace by means of arbitration, neutralization, international law and disarmament

K. P. Arnoldson

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Beschreibung zu „Pax mundi“

In 'Pax mundi' by K. P. Arnoldson, the reader is taken on a thought-provoking journey through the intricacies of world peace in a globalized society. Arnoldson's writing style is both eloquent and incisive, delving into the complexities of international relations and diplomacy with a keen eye on historical context and cultural nuances. The book is a blend of political theory, social commentary, and philosophical reflection, offering a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and possibilities of achieving peace on a global scale. Drawing from a wide range of sources and perspectives, Arnoldson presents a compelling argument for a more interconnected and harmonious world order. The book is a valuable contribution to the discourse on peace studies and is essential reading for anyone interested in the pursuit of a more peaceful and just world. With 'Pax mundi', K. P. Arnoldson establishes himself as a leading voice in the field of global peace and provides a compelling vision for a better future.


Good Press




ca. 96





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