The Sea (La Mer)

Jules Michelet

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Beschreibung zu „The Sea (La Mer)“

Jules Michelet's 'The Sea (La Mer)' is a captivating exploration of the vast and mysterious world of the ocean. Written in his signature poetic prose, the book delves into the beauty and danger of the sea, its role in shaping human history, and its influence on literature and art. Michelet's vivid descriptions and poignant reflections transport the reader to the depths of the ocean, where they will discover a newfound appreciation for this enigmatic entity. In the context of 19th-century Romanticism, 'The Sea' stands out as a lyrical and earnest tribute to nature's power and majesty. With its meticulous attention to detail and profound insights, the book offers a unique perspective on the timeless allure of the sea. Jules Michelet, a renowned French historian and writer, draws from his deep knowledge of history and literature to present a rich tapestry of maritime lore and legend. His passion for the subject shines through in every page, making 'The Sea' a compelling and enlightening read for anyone interested in the natural world and its wonders.


Good Press




ca. 255





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