A Description of Greenland

Hans Egede

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Beschreibung zu „A Description of Greenland“

Hans Egede's 'A Description of Greenland' is a comprehensive and insightful account of the author's experiences and observations during his mission to Greenland in the early 18th century. In this book, Egede vividly describes the landscape, climate, and natural resources of Greenland, offering a unique glimpse into a region few Europeans had visited at the time. His writing style is both informative and engaging, incorporating detailed descriptions and personal anecdotes that bring the Arctic environment to life. The book not only serves as a valuable historical document but also as a prime example of early travel literature, reflecting the spirit of exploration and curiosity prevalent in the Age of Discovery. Egede's meticulous attention to detail and genuine curiosity about the world around him make 'A Description of Greenland' a compelling read for anyone interested in polar exploration and early modern European encounters with non-Western cultures.


Good Press




ca. 152





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