Kid Scanlan

H. C. Witwer

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Beschreibung zu „Kid Scanlan“

H. C. Witwer's novel 'Kid Scanlan' is a riveting depiction of the tumultuous world of boxing in the early 20th century. This gritty and realistic narrative follows the rise of the titular character, Kid Scanlan, a scrappy fighter with a troubled past who must navigate the cutthroat world of professional boxing. Witwer's writing style is characterized by its rawness and authenticity, immersing readers in the brutal and unforgiving atmosphere of the boxing ring. The novel captures the essence of the era with its vivid descriptions and attention to detail, making it a compelling read for those interested in historical fiction and sports literature. Through Kid Scanlan's journey, Witwer sheds light on the darker side of the boxing world, exploring themes of perseverance, redemption, and the price of ambition. This book is a powerful commentary on the human spirit and the sacrifices one must make in pursuit of greatness. Fans of well-crafted storytelling and gritty realism will find 'Kid Scanlan' to be a captivating and thought-provoking read that lingers long after the final page.


Good Press




ca. 185





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