Aristocracy in America. From the sketch-book of a German nobleman. vol. 1 (of 2)

Francis J. Grund

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Beschreibung zu „Aristocracy in America. From the sketch-book of a German nobleman. vol. 1 (of 2)“

In 'Aristocracy in America. From the sketch-book of a German nobleman. vol. 1', Francis J. Grund explores the dynamics of aristocracy in early 19th-century America. Through a collection of sketches and observations, Grund paints a vivid picture of the social hierarchy and power structures of the time. His literary style is both informative and introspective, offering valuable insights into the complexities of aristocratic life in a rapidly changing society. Grounded in the tradition of European travel writing, Grund provides a unique perspective on American society and culture. The book serves as a valuable resource for scholars of history and sociology interested in understanding the role of aristocracy in shaping early American society. Francis J. Grund, a German nobleman and political theorist, draws on his own experiences and observations to shed light on the aristocratic world of America. His background provides him with a unique perspective that informs his analysis and interpretation. As a keen observer of society, Grund offers readers a compelling narrative that educates and entertains in equal measure. I highly recommend 'Aristocracy in America' to readers interested in the history of aristocracy, sociology, and early American society. Grund's engaging writing style and deep insights make this book a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the social dynamics of the time.


Good Press




ca. 160





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