The Historical Christ

Or, An investigation of the views of Mr. J. M. Robertson, Dr. A. Drews, and Prof. W. B. Smith

F. C. Conybeare

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Beschreibung zu „The Historical Christ“

In 'The Historical Christ' by F. C. Conybeare, the author delves into the origins of Christianity and presents a well-researched analysis of the historical Jesus. Conybeare's writing style is scholarly and meticulous, providing readers with a wealth of information on the societal and cultural contexts of the time. Drawing on primary sources and ancient texts, Conybeare presents a compelling argument for the existence and impact of the historical Jesus, shedding light on the development of early Christian beliefs and practices. This book is a valuable resource for scholars and enthusiasts alike who are interested in understanding the foundations of Christianity and the historical figure of Jesus. Conybeare's expertise in ancient texts and languages shines through in this insightful and thorough examination of the historical Christ, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the origins of Christianity and the life of Jesus.


Good Press




ca. 216





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