In Morocco

Edith Wharton


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Having begun my book with the statement that Morocco still lacks a guide-book, I should have wished to take a first step toward remedying that deficiency.
But the conditions in which I travelled, though full of unexpected and picturesque opportunities, were not suited to leisurely study of the places visited. The time was limited by the approach of the rainy season, which puts an end to motoring over the treacherous trails of the Spanish zone. In 1918, owing to the watchfulness of German submarines in the Straits and along the northwest coast of Africa, the trip by sea from Marseilles to Casablanca, ordinarily so easy, was not to be made without much discomfort and loss of time. Once on board the steamer, passengers were often kept in port (without leave to land) for six or eight days; therefore for any one bound by a time-limit, as most war-workers were, it was necessary to travel[Pg viii] across country, and to be back at Tangier before the November rains. This left me only one month in which to visit Morocco from the Mediterranean to the High Atlas, and from the Atlantic to Fez, and even had there been a Djinn's carpet to carry me, the multiplicity of impressions received would have made precise observation difficult.The next best thing to a Djinn's carpet, a military motor, was at my disposal every morning; but war conditions imposed restrictions, and the wish to use the minimum of petrol often stood in the way of the second visit which alone makes it possible to carry away a definite and detailed impression...

Über Edith Wharton

Edith Wharton (1862 - 1937) entstammte der New Yorker Patrizierschicht. Als Kind verbrachte sie längere Zeit in Frankreich, Deutschland und Italien, so dass sie, wie sie später meinte, Europa "unausrottbar im Blut" hatte. Sie genoss eine sorgfältige Erziehung, ihre frühen literarischen Neigungen wurden jedoch kaum gefördert; schriftstellerische Ambitionen ziemten sich für Töchter aus ihren Kreisen nicht. Edith Wharton übersiedelte nach einer schwierigen Ehe 1906 nach Paris. Sie widmete sich nun ganz ihrer dichterischen Aufgabe, schrieb Romane, Erzählungen, Reiseberichte, kulturhistorische Essays.
Ihre Vielseitigkeit und ihr Erzähltalent wurden mehrfach geehrt: 1921 erhielt sie den Pulitzerpreis, 1923 verlieh ihr die Yale University als erster Frau die Ehrendoktorwürde; es folgten die Goldene Medaille des National Institute of Arts and Letters und die Aufnahme in die American Academy of Arts and Letters. Edith Wharton gehört zu den bedeutendsten Schriftstellerinnen Amerikas.






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