Mary Magdalen: A Chronicle

Edgar Saltus

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Beschreibung zu „Mary Magdalen: A Chronicle“

In Edgar Saltus' 'Mary Magdalen: A Chronicle,' the author delves into the historical and biblical figure of Mary Magdalene, exploring her life, relationships, and the impact she had on those around her. Saltus's literary style is characterized by rich and vivid descriptions, deep psychological insights, and a knack for portraying complex characters. Set against the backdrop of ancient Judea, the book offers a fresh perspective on Mary Magdalene's story, shedding light on her humanity and spirituality. Saltus seamlessly weaves together historical facts and fiction, creating a captivating narrative that will engage readers interested in both religious history and character-driven storytelling. Edgar Saltus, known for his bold and provocative writing, brings a unique perspective to the story of Mary Magdalene, crafting a compelling portrait of this enigmatic woman. His meticulous research and vivid imagination make 'Mary Magdalen: A Chronicle' a must-read for those seeking a fresh interpretation of biblical history and a deeper understanding of one of its most intriguing figures.


Good Press




ca. 106





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