Frictional Electricity

From "The Saturday Evening Post."

Charles Heber Clark

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Beschreibung zu „Frictional Electricity“

In Charles Heber Clark's 'Frictional Electricity', the author delves into the fascinating world of electricity and its various applications in the late 19th century. The book explores the concept of frictional electricity and how it can be harnessed for practical purposes, offering a mix of scientific explanations and practical demonstrations. Clark's writing style is clear and concise, making complex scientific concepts accessible to a wide audience. The book also provides a glimpse into the technological advancements of the time, showcasing the rapid progress in the field of electricity during the Industrial Revolution. 'Frictional Electricity' serves as both an educational resource and a historical artifact, shedding light on an important period in scientific history. Charles Heber Clark, a writer and educator with a background in science, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the book. His expertise in the field of electricity makes him uniquely qualified to explore this complex subject matter. Readers interested in the history of science, electricity, or the Industrial Revolution will find 'Frictional Electricity' to be a valuable and enlightening read.


Good Press




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