From Wealth to Poverty; Or, the Tricks of the Traffic. A Story of the Drink Curse

Austin Potter

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Beschreibung zu „From Wealth to Poverty; Or, the Tricks of the Traffic. A Story of the Drink Curse“

In 'From Wealth to Poverty; Or, the Tricks of the Traffic. A Story of the Drink Curse' by Austin Potter, readers are taken through a gripping narrative that explores the devastating consequences of alcoholism on individuals and their families. Written in a heartfelt and candid style, Potter's novel sheds light on the harsh realities faced by those trapped in the cycle of addiction in the late 19th century. The book's social commentary and vivid depiction of the effects of alcohol abuse make it a compelling read that still resonates with audiences today. Potter's use of descriptive language and engaging storytelling captivates readers from start to finish, drawing them into the world of the characters and their struggles. Austin Potter, a social reformer and advocate for temperance, drew from his own experiences working with marginalized communities to craft this powerful and thought-provoking novel. His passion for creating awareness about the dangers of excessive drinking is evident throughout the book, making it both an educational and emotionally impactful read. 'From Wealth to Poverty; Or, the Tricks of the Traffic' is highly recommended to readers interested in exploring the societal issues surrounding alcohol abuse and the enduring consequences it can have on individuals and society as a whole.


Good Press




ca. 233





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