Shell-Shock and Other Neuropsychiatric Problems

Presented in Five Hundred and Eighty-nine Case Histories from the War Literature, 1914-1918

Elmer Ernest Southard

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Beschreibung zu „Shell-Shock and Other Neuropsychiatric Problems“

'Shell-Shock and Other Neuropsychiatric Problems' by Elmer Ernest Southard is a groundbreaking compilation of 589 case records drawn from medical literature during the first three years of World War I. This wealth of data provides insights into the causes, nature, outcome, and treatment of neuropsychiatric problems of the war, including "shell-shock" and other functional and reflex nervous diseases. While primarily intended for physicians, this book also holds interest for line officers, rehabilitation specialists, and vocationalists, who can benefit from the data presented in the Treatment and Results section. With its comprehensive coverage of neuropsychiatric problems, this volume is a must-read for anyone interested in military and civil medicine history.


Good Press




ca. 962





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