I am the greatest conversation with myself

thinking like a coach and coachee

Edward Dzerinyuy Bello

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Beschreibung zu „I am the greatest conversation with myself“

I tried to put this book to reflect my thinking, feelings and wishes to help one understand that as I am my own systematic coach and coachee. It gives you also a good perspective change to look within yourself on your goals and your feelings plus desires.

I take responsibility for the layout and the writings; I drew a lot of it from my diploma studies in systematic coaching studies.
I am grateful to the institute, and I am grateful to all.
I am my own systematic coach and coachee.

To better understand systematic coaching, I will explain as follows, just consider your body.

Your body is made up of different part, hands, legs, stomach, chest, lungs, head, and it complete make up the body system. If one part of the body system is having a problem, your whole system will be affected, and the body cannot function well. You may need to consult a practice for instance a medical doctor to check out what is wrong with you and what you need to do. The doctor will do a checkup and carry out standard medical procedures maybe measuring your blood pressure or take your body temperature then proceed to know which medical step to take further.

If I come back to systematic coaching; this is a similar scenario where, I look at myself or coachee and applies a procedure (method) to help achieve the goal.


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