A Review of the State of the Question respecting the Admission of Dissenters to the Universities

Edward Denison

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Beschreibung zu „A Review of the State of the Question respecting the Admission of Dissenters to the Universities“

Edward Denison explores the 1830s debate on admitting dissenters to universities. This classic work offers insights into educational policies and societal norms of the era. Denison's analysis remains relevant for understanding academic inclusivity's evolution. A historical dive into educational debates. It sheds light on the broader societal implications of academic decisions.

Über Edward Denison

Edward Denison is an independent consultant, writer, and architectural photographer specializing in architectural and urban history. His work for international organizations in places as diverse as Africa, China, and Europe regularly features in print, electronic, and broadcast media internationally. He has a focus on sustainability and the built environment.


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