Tarzan the Magnificent

Edgar Rice Burroughs

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Beschreibung zu „Tarzan the Magnificent“

Tarzan the Magnificent Edgar Rice Burroughs - The bones of a dead man, a black runner still clutching a cleft stick containing a message…Tarzan, mighty man of the forest, finds it and learns of the captivity of a white man and his beautiful daughter. Courageously going to their rescue, Tarzan finds they are in the hands of the Kaji, a mysterious tribe of warrior women who will mate only with white men. Thus begins Tarzan's most fantastic adventure, one that will keep you on the edge of your seat in excitement.

Tarzan encounters a lost race with uncanny mental powers, after which he revisits the lost cities of Cathne and Athne, previously encountered in the earlier novel Tarzan and the City of Gold. As usual, he is backed up by Chief Muviro and his faithful Waziri warriors.


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