Sun Chasers

Eddie Abraham

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Beschreibung zu „Sun Chasers“

On one hot Summer Camp, Aiden Rainer, a 12th grade Senior student was having the time of his life enjoying his last Summer Camp before he goes to college. Unbeknownst to him, a deadly virus that has been going around in the news for the past couple of months has finally reached New York all the way from a small city in Asia.

Nothing was more shocking than when he and his friends found out someone in the camp was infected. The Summer Camp quickly turned into chaos when the disease breaks out. Having to fend off for his life, Aiden and his friends fought and fled back to the city of New York only to find the aftermath of a deadly virus outbreak. Now desolate, the remains of the city of New York now became a nest for an unforgiving horde of infected.

In the search for other survivor, Aiden and his friends witness that with the fall of society and order, lawlessness begin to consume what’s left of humanity. Instead of banding together and helping each other, different groups of people started to emerge with different goals and shows hostility towards each other.

While almost falling prey to one of them, Aiden and his friends ran across a group of mysterious people who saved their lives and claimed that they were looking for a safe haven. However, they soon discovered the deadly virus spread through water and rain, and found out they have been infected too.

With the race against time, Aiden learns an antidote has been discovered and set out to search for them. Little did he knows that he has to cross paths with the ‘Sun Chasers’, a group of infamous and notorious people who would do anything to obtain the antidote, otherwise known as the ‘Sun’.

The journey Aiden and his friends set out for proved to be more than dangerous and impossible when they are forced to face the terrifying creatures and deadly mindless ghouls on one side and a mysterious group of elite soldiers who seemed to know something they don’t, on the other side.

Discovering truths and lies among his new friends, Aiden learns that the virus and the outbreak isn’t what it seemed to be. Conspiracies, rumors, and truths begin to unfold and revealed a stunning and shocking truth about the catastrophe.






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