A Primary Reader: Old-time Stories, Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children

E. Louise Smythe

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Beschreibung zu „A Primary Reader: Old-time Stories, Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children“

A Primary Reader: Old-time Stories, Fairy Tales and Myths Retold by Children is a collection of children's tales by E. Louise Smythe. Excerpt: "The wolf ran off and took a short way, but Red Riding-Hood stopped to pick some flowers. When the wolf got to the house, he tapped on the door. The grandma said, "Who is there?" The wolf made his voice as soft as he could. He said, "It is little Red Riding-Hood, grandma." Then the old lady said, "Pull the string and the door will open." The wolf pulled the string and the door opened. He ran in and ate the poor old lady. Then he jumped into her bed and put on her cap."


Good Press




ca. 25





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