Wonderful Balloon Ascents

Camille Flammarion

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Beschreibung zu „Wonderful Balloon Ascents“

"Wonderful Balloon Ascents" is a historical novel looking back at the historical voyages made possible by balloon travel. Author Camille Flammarion states that, "The discovery or the invention of the balloon was one of those efforts of genius and enterprise which have no infancy. It had reached its full growth when it burst upon the world, and the ninety (at the time of the book's writing) years which have since elapsed have witnessed no development of the original idea. The balloon of to-day—the balloon in which Coxwell and Glaisher have made their perilous trips into the remote regions of the air—is in almost every respect the same as the balloon with which "the physician Charles," following in the footsteps of the Montgolfiers, astonished Paris in 1783. There are few more tantalising stories in the annals of invention than this."


Good Press




ca. 156





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