Nullification, Secession, Webster's Argument, and the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

Considered in Reference to the Constitution and Historically

Caleb William Loring

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Beschreibung zu „Nullification, Secession, Webster's Argument, and the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions“

"Nullification, Secession, Webster's Argument, and the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions: Considered in Reference to the Constitution and Historically" by Caleb William Loring is a thought-provoking exploration of the critical debates surrounding nullification and secession during pivotal moments in American history. Loring delves into Webster's influential argument against nullification, as well as the significant contributions of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions in shaping the course of American constitutional interpretation. With keen historical analysis, Loring examines the tensions between state rights and federal authority that have reverberated throughout American history. This insightful work provides valuable context and understanding for anyone interested in the complexities of the American political landscape and the enduring debates over the balance of power between states and the federal government.


Good Press




ca. 120





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