The Immortal Lure

Cale Young Rice

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Beschreibung zu „The Immortal Lure“

Cale Young Rice's 'The Immortal Lure' is a collection of captivating poems that explore the themes of love, loss, and the quest for immortality. The book showcases Rice's ornate and lyrical writing style, reminiscent of the Romantic poets, while also incorporating elements of symbolism and mysticism. Each poem is a poignant reflection on the human experience, drawing readers into a world of beauty and longing. Set against a backdrop of nature and mythology, 'The Immortal Lure' transports readers to a realm where emotions run deep and the search for eternal love is never-ending. Cale Young Rice, a renowned American poet and playwright, was known for his romantic and mystical works that delved into the complexities of the human heart. His interest in the supernatural and spiritual realms shines through in 'The Immortal Lure', making it a timeless masterpiece that continues to resonate with readers today. Rice's deep understanding of the human soul and his ability to evoke emotions through his words make this collection a must-read for poetry enthusiasts and lovers of beauty and truth. I highly recommend 'The Immortal Lure' to anyone looking for a thought-provoking and emotionally stirring read. Rice's poetic talent and profound insights into the human experience make this book a treasure trove of wisdom and beauty that will leave a lasting impact on its readers.


Good Press




ca. 33





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