Glimpses of Christmas

From Around the World

Brigitte Gschwandtner

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Beschreibung zu „Glimpses of Christmas“

For the first time Laura is allowed to accompany her parents to the Bulgarian orphanage. Lots of parcels, sent from a foreign country, have arrived for the children. The orphans are to receive them at the Christmas celebration. There Laura meets Gergana. But why does the little girl react so strangely to her gift?
From the lights of western Canada to the hot December in New Zealand, from icy Lapland to the southern tip of Africa, from the Himalayan mountains to the “Avenue of the Volcanoes” in Ecuador, young people everywhere experience the season of joy and love. An intriguing book with 24 Advent stories for kids and grown-ups alike–for reading aloud by candlelight or enjoying by yourself in a warm and cozy corner.


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