The History of University Education in Maryland

The Johns Hopkins University (1876-1891). With supplementary notes on university extension and the university of the future

Bernard C. Steiner

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Beschreibung zu „The History of University Education in Maryland“

'The History of University Education in Maryland' by Bernard C. Steiner is a comprehensive account of the establishment and evolution of higher education institutions in the state of Maryland. The book covers the colonial attempts to establish a college and the subsequent development of the University of Maryland, as well as the establishment of numerous other colleges, both Catholic and non-sectarian. The author also delves into the history of female education in Maryland, covering institutions such as the Baltimore Female College and the Woman's College of Baltimore. The second part of the book focuses on Johns Hopkins University, detailing its foundation, organizational structure, and academic offerings. A must-read for anyone interested in the history of higher education in Maryland and its impact on the state and the nation.


Good Press




ca. 78





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