The Rise and Fall of Nauvoo

B. H. Roberts

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Beschreibung zu „The Rise and Fall of Nauvoo“

Discover the turbulent history of Nauvoo, the thriving city built by the Latter-Day Saints in Illinois. Through the eyes of an eyewitness, we see the rise of a powerful community and its charismatic leader, Joseph Smith. But as the Mormon population grows, so does the fear and suspicion of the non-Mormon citizens in neighboring towns. As tensions escalate, a legal battle ensues, threatening the power of the Nauvoo leadership and the very foundations of the city. Amidst the turmoil, a rebellion from within brings to light a scandalous secret that could tear the community apart. This real-life tale of power, betrayal, and religious conviction will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.


Good Press




ca. 450





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