The Mormons and the Theatre; or, The History of Theatricals in Utah

John S. Lindsay

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Beschreibung zu „The Mormons and the Theatre; or, The History of Theatricals in Utah“

The Mormons and the Theatre; or, The History of Theatricals in Utah is a book by John S. Lindsay. It depicts numerous popular plays and their characters during the late 19th and early 20th century. Excerpt: "When the Mormons came from Nauvoo to Salt Lake they brought with them to this wilderness in the Rocky Mountains, the love of the drama, and as a consequence it was not long, only a few years from 1847 to 1850, before they began to long for something in the way of a theatre.
The pleasant recollections of the drama as interpreted at Nauvoo by Mr. Lyne and his supporting cast, were still fresh in their memories, and almost before many of them had comfortable houses to live in they began to yearn for some dramatic amusement. As a result of this strong inclination for the play and a still more universal desire for dancing, it was but a short time before their wishes materialized."


Good Press




ca. 196





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