The Blind Goddess

Arthur Train

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Beschreibung zu „The Blind Goddess“

"The Blind Goddess" is a murder mystery and legal thriller. The novel is set in the courtroom of Judge Redmond, a seasoned judge who knows how to command his court well and ensure that the jury is steered in the right direction when need be. Paul Renig, a defendant, is accused of assaulting Wilhelm Ganz. The case seems like an open and shut case where the jury will render its verdict quickly, and the defendant locked up for a considerable period of time, or so everyone seems to think. That is, until the lawyer for the defendant begins to cross-examine Ganz. As Ganz responds to his question, the heart rending details of the encounter between the two men come to light, forcing the jury to reconsider their intended verdict…


Good Press




ca. 275





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