Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton, B. A. of Trinity College, Cambridge

Extracted from His Letters and Diaries, with Reminiscences of His Conversation by His Friend Christopher Carr of the Same College

Arthur Christopher Benson

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Beschreibung zu „Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton, B. A. of Trinity College, Cambridge“

Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton by Arthur Christopher Benson is a collection of reminisces on a young poet with the gift of extraordinary reflection. Excerpt: "The boy acquired a great love for Nature, though not of the intimate kind that poets have by instinct. "In moments of grief and despair," he wrote in later life, "I do not, as some do, crouch back to the bosom of the great Mother; she has, it seems, no heart for me when I am sorry, though she smiles with me when I am glad." But he has told me that he can enjoy a simple village scene in a way that others can not easily understand: a chestnut crowded with pink spires, the clack of a mill wheel, the gush of a green sluice out of a mantled pool, a little stream surrounded by flags and water lobelias, gave him all his life a keen satisfaction in his happy moments."


Good Press




ca. 153





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