Simple Hamster Short Stories: Hamsteriko Series Book 1

Angell Octavia

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Beschreibung zu „Simple Hamster Short Stories: Hamsteriko Series Book 1“

Welcome to Hamsteriko! The floating island that orbits around Planet Venus like one of its moons, are filled with immortal hamsters. Zeus Greek God of Mount Olympus is the ruler of Hamsteriko and everyone reports to him. Faerie Queens of Planet Venus gather stardust to make magical faerie dust and visits Hamsteriko time to time. Hamster King Zander and Hamster Queen Veelyn are on royal duties to run the land. What about Planet Earth's mortal hamsters?

Hi! I'm Angell Octavia and I'm just a pet owner who misses my two hamsters I used to have. I truly believe that you could write the best short stories about your favorite animals and pets! I hope Hamsteriko will become a series of ongoing short stories that will inspire readers to write similar and better short stories!






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