Evolution of the Creation and Soul

Andreas Wolf von Guggenberger

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Beschreibung zu „Evolution of the Creation and Soul“

In his work "Evolution of Creation and the Soul", Andreas, Wolf von Guggenberger, describes a fascinating creation myth and presents a new ethic for our time. His original vision of the origin and genesis of creation combines scientific and spiritual theories with a deeply felt religious vision to create a stirring synthesis. In it he describes:
- How souls might have come into being with their levels of perception. How they communicate.
- How in the ADAMEBENE - in the heavens, the basic concepts for the universe and man evolved.
- A new perspective on the Adam-Eve myth.
- The origin of the universe with the evolution of human beings.
- He expands the concept of evolution by distinguishing between a spiritual evolution of consciousness and a material evolution of the universe. Spiritual and material interpenetrate and mutually evolve.
- How fate, mental predispositions, the will and chance create each other.

With 154 principles of creation, he describes a continuous evolution of soul and creation. He shows how these principles manifest themselves simultaneously in the everyday perception of man.

His work has emerged from introspection, research and a journey of realization. He draws from his own visions, which is why his concepts differ from those of other philosophers and religious thinkers.


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