A History of Greek Economic Thought

Albert Augustus Trever

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Beschreibung zu „A History of Greek Economic Thought“

Albert Augustus Trever's 'A History of Greek Economic Thought' is a comprehensive examination of the evolution of economic theory and practice in ancient Greece. Delving into the writings of prominent Greek philosophers and thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, and Xenophon, Trever analyzes their perspectives on economics, trade, and wealth distribution. Through a careful study of primary sources, Trever highlights the important contributions of these ancient thinkers to the development of economic thought, shedding light on their influence on modern economic principles. Written in a scholarly yet accessible style, the book offers valuable insights into the economic mindset of ancient Greece and its relevance to contemporary economic discourse. Albert Augustus Trever, a renowned historian and expert in ancient Greek philosophy, brings his expertise to this insightful exploration of Greek economic thought. His meticulous research and deep understanding of the subject make this book a valuable resource for students and scholars interested in the intersection of philosophy and economics in antiquity. For anyone interested in the origins of economic theory and the intellectual foundations of modern economics, 'A History of Greek Economic Thought' by Albert Augustus Trever is a must-read. This book provides a fascinating journey through the economic ideas of ancient Greece, offering valuable lessons and perspectives that continue to resonate in today's economic debates.


Good Press




ca. 208





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