The New North

Agnes Deans Cameron

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Beschreibung zu „The New North“

The New North is a travelogue by Agnes Deans Cameron. Cameron was a Canadian teacher, author, journalist, professor, and explorer. She was the first white woman to reach the Arctic Ocean. Excerpt: "From Winnipeg to Edmonton, roughly speaking, is a thousand miles, and two railway lines are open to us,—the Canadian Pacific and the Canadian Northern. We go by the former route and return in the autumn by the latter. Pulling out from Winnipeg, we enter a prairie wheat-field one thousand miles long and of unknown width, into which the nations of the world are pouring. "The sleeping nation beyond," is what General Sherman in a moment of pique once called Canada. The sleeping giant has awakened. We are on the heels of the greatest economic trek this world has ever seen. The historian of to-morrow will rank it with the world migrations."


Good Press




ca. 277





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