Witness for the Defence

A. E. W. Mason

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Beschreibung zu „Witness for the Defence“

'The Witness for the Defence' is a mystery and adventure novel by the English novelist A. E. W. Mason. The story follows our protagonist Henry Thresk, who has a difficult early relationship with his parents. It created in him a fierce determination to make his own way in the world. By the age of 28, he had become sufficiently well-established as a promising young barrister to take a month's holiday in Sussex, where he meets and becomes friendly with 19-year-old Stella Derrick. On the last day of Henry's holiday, while out riding on the South Downs, Stella hints at her feelings for him. Although Thresk has similar feelings, he convinces himself that he has to focus on his career and that an early marriage would close off all avenues of advancement. Stella is mortified, and without resolving the issue the two part.


Good Press




ca. 217





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