White Mountain Trails

Tales of the Trails to the Summit of Mount Washington and other Summits of the White Hills

Winthrop Packard

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Beschreibung zu „White Mountain Trails“

In 'White Mountain Trails' by Winthrop Packard, readers are taken on a journey through the majestic White Mountains of New Hampshire, exploring the beauty of nature and the allure of the wilderness. Packard's descriptive and evocative writing style brings the landscapes to life, allowing readers to feel the crisp mountain air and hear the rustling of leaves. Set in the late 19th century, the book captures a time when travel through the mountains was an adventure filled with discovery and excitement. Packard's portrayal of the trails and terrain is both informative and captivating, making the reader feel as though they are right there in the mountains alongside the author. Winthrop Packard, an avid hiker and nature enthusiast, draws on his personal experiences and deep connection to the White Mountains to create a compelling narrative that celebrates the beauty of the natural world. 'White Mountain Trails' is a must-read for anyone who appreciates the beauty of the great outdoors and enjoys immersive storytelling that transports them to another time and place.


Good Press




ca. 189





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