Tales and Legends of the English Lakes

Wilson Armistead

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Beschreibung zu „Tales and Legends of the English Lakes“

"Tales and Legends of the English Lakes" by Wilson Armistead is a compilation of romance stories set in the Lake District that has long been regarded as the romantic "classic ground" of England. The district, it is true, is not particularly rich in historical incidents; nor has it been the scene of many great events; yet, it has been justly said by a popular writer, what it wants in history it more than makes up in poetry.
True, it may appear to be richer in scenery than in legend, and in poetry than romance; but, the fact is, its legends and romance have been neglected. The district is highly suggestive of both, but it has had no Sir Walter Scott to make the most of them. A part of the land so famous for the beauty and for the song, independent of its Border proximity, is one peculiarly favorable to the lovers of old legends; its atmosphere is one in which fancy most delights to soar and to hover, and it contains a mine of materials for romance yet almost untouched.


Good Press




ca. 233





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