Old Convict Times to Gold Digging Days

William Derricourt

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Beschreibung zu „Old Convict Times to Gold Digging Days“

Old Convict Times to Gold Digging Days is an autobiography by William Derricourt. Excerpt: "My first work was breaking stones in the Domain, half a yard of two-inch stone being the allotted daily task for each man. On the Saturday afternoon we were allowed to go into the town and get small jobs of work, such as chopping wood, sweeping yards, and cleaning up for Sunday. I was at this for about a month, and had earned what was known as a "holey dollar," that is, a dollar with a piece punched out of the middle. The punched out piece was called a "dump," and was valued at thirteen pence. In return for our Saturday afternoon's work we would get quantities of scraps of food, saved up on purpose during the week, and often, if there were any government women about the places where we were employed, some tea or coffee."


Good Press




ca. 308





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