A Hazard of New Fortunes — Complete

William Dean Howells

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Beschreibung zu „A Hazard of New Fortunes — Complete“

In the novel 'A Hazard of New Fortunes' by William Dean Howells, readers are transported to the late 19th-century streets of New York City. The story revolves around Basil March, a genial literary figure who finds himself caught in a tumultuous clash between his revered mentor and the wealthy owner of a magazine he joins. As March and his family relocate from Boston to New York, they embark on a quest to find the perfect apartment, encountering eccentricities and challenges along the way. Amidst this backdrop, March reconnects with Berthold Lindau, an idealistic German intellectual, and navigates the complex dynamics of the magazine's inception. The narrative unfolds against the backdrop of social unrest, culminating in a fateful streetcar strike that leaves an indelible mark on the lives of the characters involved.


Good Press




ca. 482





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