A Novel Without a Name

William Aubrey Burnage

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Beschreibung zu „A Novel Without a Name“

'A Novel Without a Name' is a three-part novel written by William Aubrey Burnage. The story begins through the eyes of Toby, who stood staring imploringly from one face to another. But he met with no sympathy anywhere; all eyed him with contempt and disgust. The trial was conducted with a curious mixture of seriousness and merriment, and each actor in the mimic court acquitted himself to his own satisfaction, if not to that of the hapless Toby. After the evidence had been gone carefully through, and each of the orators—who by-the-by, comprised pretty nigh the whole of the jury as well as the advocate and provost—had listened with evident pleasure to his own eloquence, a verdict of guilty was recorded.


Good Press




ca. 447





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