Peculiarities of American Cities

Willard W. Glazier

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Beschreibung zu „Peculiarities of American Cities“

Peculiarities of American Cities is a historical travelogue written by Willard W. Glazier, here delving into the appearance and spirit of numerous big American cities during the late 19th century.
Excerpt: "Boston sits like a queen at the head of her harbor on the Massachusetts coast, and wears her crown of past and present glory with an easy and self-satisfied grace. Her commercial importance is large; her ships float on many seas; and she rejoices now in the same uncompromising spirit of independence which controlled the actions of the celebrated "Tea Party" in the pioneer days of '76. Her safe harbor is one of the best on the Atlantic seaboard, and is dotted with over a hundred islands. On some of these, garrisoned forts look grimly seaward."


Good Press




ca. 445





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