A Glossary of Stuart and Tudor Words especially from the dramatists

Walter William Skeat

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Beschreibung zu „A Glossary of Stuart and Tudor Words especially from the dramatists“

"A Glossary of Stuart and Tudor Words especially from the dramatists" is a collection of words by the renowned English philologist Walter William Skeat. Skeat served as the Elrington and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon at Cambridge University and carried out extensive study on the English language. The book was published posthumously by his friend A.L. Mayhew. Mayhew gives the background, "He did not forget business. When reading Ben Jonson or Beaumont and Fletcher he had pencil in hand, and whenever he came to a word that might prove a stumbling-block to the general reader, he noted that word, and eventually wrote it on a separate slip (note-paper size) with exact reference and explanation…. On October 6, 1912, that eager, enthusiastic spirit passed away, to the regret of all who work in the field of English philology, of all who love the English tongue, wherever on this habitable globe they may chance to live. Not long after, in November, I heard from Mrs. Skeat that her husband had left material for a Glossary of Rare Words, in slips amounting to nearly 7,000, arranged in alphabetical order, and that Professor Skeat's executors would be very glad if I would be able to edit and prepare the work for publication... With the exception of a short intermission in July, the work has had my continuous and undivided attention for one year."


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