Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age

Various A. H. Bullen

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Beschreibung zu „Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age“

'Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age' by William Cleaver Wilkinson is a journey through the enchanting world of Elizabethan poetry and music. This anthology, meant to complement the treasured Poetical Miscellanies of that time, offers a treasure trove of rare and undiscovered verses. With meticulous research and dedication, the author has unearthed hidden gems from the old song-books preserved in the British Museum and introduced us to lesser-known lyricists. The Elizabethan composers treated words as a cherished art form, weaving them into musical masterpieces. In the pages of this collection, readers will find a symphony of emotions, from prayers to merriment, crafted with exquisite perfection. Join this expedition to relish the poetic finesse that continues to resonate across the centuries.


Good Press




ca. 127





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