Handbuch Religionsdidaktik

Ulrich Riegel Ulrich Kropac

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Beschreibung zu „Handbuch Religionsdidaktik“

This handbook provides comprehensive information about all the important topics in religious education: from the positioning of religious teaching in schools, models and protagonists in religious education, and typical forms of religious learning through to the specific planning and implementation of religious lessons. The essays included also address completely new topics such as inclusive education and virtual learning. They provide answers to basic questions in religious education theory and at the same time offer practical guidance & always taking into account the latest state of the art in Protestant and Catholic religious teaching. An indispensable companion for study courses and exam preparation, as well as for practical work in schools!

Über Ulrich Riegel

Prof. Dr. Konstantin Lindner lehrt Religionspädagogik und Didaktik des Religionsunterrichts an der Universität Bamberg; Prof. Dr. Ulrich Riegel lehrt Praktische Theologie und Religionspädagogik an der Universität Siegen; Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoffmann lehrt Historische Theologie an der Universität Siegen.


Kohlhammer Verlag




ca. 658





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