The Church of England cleared from the charge of Schism

Upon Testimonies of Councils and Fathers of the first six centuries

T. W. Allies

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Beschreibung zu „The Church of England cleared from the charge of Schism“

In this book, the author is more and more convinced that the whole question between the Roman Church and ourselves, as well as the Eastern Church, turns upon the Papal Supremacy, as at present claimed, being of divine right or not. If it be, then have we nothing else to do, on peril of salvation, but submit ourselves to the authority of Rome: and better it was to do so before we meet the attack, which is close at hand, of an enemy who bears equal hatred to ourselves and Rome; the predicted Lawless One, the Logos, reason, or private judgment of apostate humanity rising against the Divine Logos, incarnate in His Church. If it is not, then may we take courage; for the position of the Church of England being tenable, all the evils within her pale, which we are now so deeply feeling, will, by God's blessing, be gradually overcome.


Good Press




ca. 194





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