Peter's Rock in Mohammed's Flood, from St. Gregory the Great to St. Leo III

T. W. Allies

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Beschreibung zu „Peter's Rock in Mohammed's Flood, from St. Gregory the Great to St. Leo III“

Peter's Rock in Mohammed's Flood is a series of essays examining events from the Old Testament and contextualizing them within events in history. Excerpt: "I have hitherto conducted the history of the Throne of the Fisherman built by the Carpenter's Son in unbroken succession from St. Peter to St. Gregory the Great. It is 575 years from the Day of Pentecost a.d. 29 to St. Gregory's death in a.d. 604. This period is very nearly bisected by the conversion of Constantine. The first half contains the action of the Primacy over against a hostile heathen empire."


Good Press




ca. 448





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