British Popular Customs, Present and Past

Illustrating the Social and Domestic Manners of the People. Arranged According to the Calendar of the Year

T. F. Thiselton-Dyer

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Beschreibung zu „British Popular Customs, Present and Past“

The book is arranged according to the calendar of the year and explores the social and domestic manners of the British people through customs and traditions. It discusses the history of New Year's Day customs, such as the Druids' practice of distributing mistletoe, the Saxons' celebration with friendly gifts, and the Roman practice of interchanging gifts. It also provides details about the exchange of New Year's gifts between the king and queen, as well as their household and courtiers, during the reigns of Henry VI and Henry VII. In this book, the author cites historical sources, including Rymer's Foedera and Agnes Strickland's Lives of the Queens of England, to support the information presented.


Good Press




ca. 595





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