Collectanea de Diversis Rebus: Addresses and Papers

Sir Peter Eade

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Beschreibung zu „Collectanea de Diversis Rebus: Addresses and Papers“

"Collectanea de Diversis Rebus: Addresses and Papers" by Sir Peter Eade
Eade took a prominent part in the civic life of Norwich. He was first elected a member of the council in 1869 and subsequently became sheriff and, on three occasions, mayor of the city. This text is a collection of papers and lectures regarding a number of different topics. The documents in this book are: On Recreation Grounds For Norwich, On Temperance And Aids To Temperance, On Tortoises, A Further Note Upon Tortoises, My Christmas Garden Party, My City Garden In "a City Of Gardens", Presidential Address To The Norfolk And Norwich Naturalists' Society, On St. Giles's Church And Parish, Norwich, The Tower Of St. Giles's Church, On Sir Thomas Brown.


Good Press




ca. 111





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