A Letter to the Bishop of Exeter

Sir Edward Hall Alderson

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Beschreibung zu „A Letter to the Bishop of Exeter“

In this thought-provoking letter to the Bishop, Edward Hall Alderson delves into the intricacies of the Judicial Committee's decision, sparking a profound exploration of the law's influence on the Church. As he contemplates the true nature of a decision, Alderson challenges traditional notions of its binding power, emphasizing the crucial role of questioning and dissent among judges. With compelling arguments and astute observations, he navigates the delicate balance between acquiescence and resistance, urging those who disagree with the decision to voice their dissent openly and seek redress through the judicial process. 'A Letter to the Bishop of Exeter' presents a fascinating dialogue on the limits of authority and the pursuit of justice, leaving readers with profound insights into the intricate workings of the legal system and its impact on faith and society.


Good Press




ca. 8





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