Responsive Web Design with AngularJS

Sandeep Kumar Patel

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Beschreibung zu „Responsive Web Design with AngularJS“

AngularJS is an open source JavaScript framework, built to create dynamic web applications using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. AngularJS has many advanced features that can be used to leverage responsive application development.

Responsive Web Design with AngularJS follows a detailed step-by-step approach to explain each key concept, with sufficient code and examples. This book will teach you how to implement dynamic routing, responsive custom directives, and breakpoints for your web page, followed by a section on debugging and testing.

By the end of the book, you will be able to develop and design exciting single page applications with AngularJS and make the applications responsive on different devices. With ample screenshots and code offering you a detailed insight, this book will ensure your success in developing responsive applications.


Packt Publishing




ca. 82





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