DSDM® - Agile Project Management - a (still) unknown alternative full of advantages

An introduction to the AgilePM® method, which combines the best of classical project management and agile product development

Robert M. Richards

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Beschreibung zu „DSDM® - Agile Project Management - a (still) unknown alternative full of advantages“

Everyone is talking about agility and praising it as THE approach for successful project management. However, many approaches offer hardly any methods for external steering, budgeting, reporting, controlling. Many only cover the development process and leave it to the users to add further parts as needed. This repeatedly leads to the desire for hybrid project management, which combines agile development with project control and planning. However, most hybrid approaches are patchwork. Different philosophies are cobbled together, some of which contradict each other. DSDM® is different here. The method is completely based on agile approaches, but not only covers production, but also offers project planning, project steering and controlling, risk management and reporting with a goal-oriented role and responsibility management.

In this booklet, the book author, himself an expert in DSDM® for many years, offers the reader a good overview of the method and shows why many more companies should get to grips with it.


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