
Robert Herrick

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Beschreibung zu „Together“

Together is a novel by Robert Herrick. Herrick was a story writer and part of a then novel group of literary pragmatists and realists, here presenting at story that deals with the intricacies and relations between men and women. Excerpt: "Meanwhile inside the great tent the commotion was at its height, most of the guests—those who had escaped the fascination of the punch-bowl—having found their way thither. Perspiring waiters rushed back and forth with salad and champagne bottles, which were seized by the men and borne off to the women waiting suitably to be fed by the men whom they had attached. Near the entrance the Colonel, with his old friends Beals and Senator Thomas, was surveying the breakfast scene, a contented smile on his kind face, as he murmured assentingly, "So—so." He and the Senator had served in the same regiment during the War, Price retiring as Colonel and the Senator as Captain; while the bridegroom's father, Tyringham Lane, had been the regimental surgeon."


Good Press




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