Red Blades of Black Cathay

Robert E. Howard

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Beschreibung zu „Red Blades of Black Cathay“

Red Blades of Black Cathay is a collection of fantasy short stories by Robert E. Howard. Howard was an American writer of pulp adventure fiction. Excerpt: "Godric experienced a fierce resurge of power as he felt the familiar weight of his mail and fingered the worn hilt of his long, two-handed sword. The languorous illusive dreaminess of the past weeks vanished; again he was a conqueror of a race of conquerors. With old Roogla he rode to the main gates, seeing on all hands the terror that had seized the people. Men and women ran distractedly through the streets, crying that the Mongols were upon them; they tied their belongings into bundles, loaded them on donkeys and jerked them off again, shouting reproaches at the soldiers on the walls, who seemed as frightened as the people."


Good Press




ca. 34





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