The Amen Vibration

Volume II

Richie Quirino

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Beschreibung zu „The Amen Vibration“

This book is for seekers of truth beyond the teachings of parents, churches, schools, and communities. Forty years in the making, it includes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of living, from the seemingly obvious to the occult, from the boundless diversity of paths toward Divine understanding and the unification of it all. The unity of the universe as functions of light and sound is explained and demonstrated in many examples. Light and sound are part of the same continuum of vibrations; they are simply different frequencies, as are things we see and hear, as well as microwaves, infrared light, and so on. At the heart of this continuum is the sound of the universe, the primordial Word: the Om of the Taoists, Aum of the Hindus and Buddhists, Amen of the Christians, Hu of the Ecks or the religion of Light and Sound and Hum of the Tibetans. These phenomena are explored by the author, who has experienced the discovery of one’s self and place in the universe.






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